Welcome to Dalry Primary School


Welcome to Dalry Primary School

Our School was built in 1876 and serves the local community of Dalry in the West of Edinburgh. We are a non-denominational, co-educational Primary School.

Our main school hosts pupils from Primary 1 to Primary 7, and we currently are organised into eleven classes.

We have a busy Nursery Class, which offers full time term time places. Please get in touch with the school office for more information about our nursery class.

Dalry Primary has pupils from a wide variety of backgrounds, cultures and countries. We are very proud of the multicultural nature of our school, and as a community we actively promote a positive ethos which values the contributions that all of our families bring. We are a highly transient school population with skilled staff who support the transition process with confidence.

Our school vision is

Working together in a safe, nurturing and friendly multicultural school to build a positive and creative learning community where all children can be supported to achieve their full potential and develop their skills for life, learning and work.

Our school values are

Together we are……

Respected, Included, Responsible and Kind

Our school motto is

One Clan, Many Families

We aim to build a school community where all children are

Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included

We hope you enjoy looking at our Website.

Elaine Honeyman

Head Teacher

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We were delighted to be awarded the Digital Schools Award Scotland in August 2023.

We are delighted to be supported by Greggs Foundation for our breakfast club and more.


If you need support to read this webpage or online letter via translation into an additional language please contact the translation service using this link https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/languages

15 thoughts on “Welcome to Dalry Primary School

  1. Olive Kinnear

    I watched the programme on BBC2 last night and saw Dalry school on it. I went to Dalry 1946-1953. I remember our old school song well and wonder how I can get a copy of it. Thank you.

    Olive Kinnear ( nee Greenan)


    1. John Donaldson

      Hi Olive, I attended Dalry School 1945 – 1952 I have a copy of the old school song and I could e-mail it to you.


      1. Getald Cowan

        I would love a copy too. Attended Dalry1957 to 1964. Can only remember lines” To honour thee we’ll ever try, we never will forget Dalry”.


      2. Olive Kinnear

        Hi John, I have only read your reply now. I would be delighted to receive a copy from you. I knbow the words but am looking for a copy of the record. I know there is one in existence. Thank you.


      3. John Donaldson

        Hi Olive,
        I’m afraid I only have the words of the old school song and not a recording. Thinking back all these years I remember an Olive Reid, Robert Trotter, Ian Murray, Janet Fairley, Elizabeth Forbes and Anne Traill. I wonder what happened to them all. My main Teacher was Miss McKinnon who came from Skye.
        Kind regards,


      4. Olive Kinnear

        Hi John, I went to Dalry 1946-1953, my main teacher was Mr Steven. He wrote the school song..Do you remember marching up the stairs and singing. I remember Robert Trotter and David Traill. They both lived in Northcote Street wheras I lived in Duff Street. Did you live nearby?


      5. Pegasus8954

        Hi Olive,
        I lived at 197 Dalry Road, which was directly opposite the school. We moved t
        o the Inch in 1953.
        Kind regards,


  2. Laura Thompson

    I live locally and have a two year old daughter. I am looking into nursery provision for her for next academic session when she will be three. Can you please let me know what you offer.
    Thank you kindly,
    Laura Thompson


    1. Dalry Primary Edinburgh Post author

      You should be able to find out much about the Nursery on our nursery page. In particular you can read the nursery booklet 2017/18 linked on that page. As your child is over 2 they can now be registered as interested in a nursery place, if you wish to do so please contact the school administrators for more information on this process. Again their details are in the nursery booklet.
      Thanks for your enquiry.
      Dalry Primary Webteam


  3. Jesse Lyda

    Hello, our family is moving from the US in a few weeks. We have a 3 yr old (to be 4 this December) and would appreciate any guidance into enrolling our son into a Nursery program. It is our understanding that schools are neighborhood based and that Dalry is the school in our district. This is our first time living in the UK, so any useful information or direction on what/when/where we should be looking for help with this is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


    1. Dalry Primary Edinburgh Post author


      There are 2 ways to access nursery provision in Scotland.

      One is to use a council provided nursery such as ours. These currently run only during school term time for hours close to school hours (details here) Please call our office for more information on funding and visiting the nursery.

      The other is to use a private nursery. Many of these offer 8am-6pm cover 51 weeks a year. Your council funding is applied to the cost and then you pay the difference.

      Your place in your local state school at school starting age (what you would call a public school) is unaffected by your choice to use either type of nursery.

      I hope this is helpful to you and future visitors.

      The nursery application process for a council nursery place is via this link


    2. Dalry Primary Edinburgh Post author

      One extra thing to note. If your child is 4 this December they will be starting school next August and so you will need to apply for a school place soon as well. We will have open days to visit and apply later in the autumn so keep an eye on the website for dates.


  4. Vipul Srivastava


    my family is moving to Edinburg from India in a few weeks. My son is 6 years old. I would like to enroll my son into Dalry Primary School.
    Any guidance or information will be highly appreciated.

    Vipul Srivastava


  5. Sarthak Lekhak

    Hello I am an old student from Dalry I started in class 1 till 7 (2010 – 2017). I am very thankful of this school as it has taught be a lot. I also love all the teachers there. I hope that the school as well as all the students and teachers there are safe and healthy.
    I always remember the good times of Dalry and I hope that I revisit this school in the future.
    Thank you.


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